Autumn Term 2:
This half term in Wren Class, our topic is been "Celebrations". We have been enjoying learning about a range of celebrations.
This half term in Wren Class, our topic is been "Celebrations". We have been enjoying learning about a range of celebrations.
What a busy term! We have continued with our reading, writing, phonics and maths and have even had time to squeeze in a Christmas party!
We have worked really hard during our dance sessions and have enjoyed performing our Angel Dance during the Nativity. Thank you to Lizzie for all her help with the choreography. We have also had fun learning all of the song words too!
We can tell you about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, Diwali, Remembrance and Hanukkah.
Autumn Term 1:
In Wren Class this half term, our Topic is "3, 2, 1, blast off!" We have been enjoying learning all about Space. We have planned expeditions to distant planets, dispatched rockets and written notes on the experiments we have carried out in space... all from our International Space Station Roleplay Area.
Alongside this, we have also been working hard to build new friendships and an understanding of the rules within our classroom and the wider school. As part of our harvest celebrations, we made Apple Crumble Pies and vegetable stew.
A photo of our first day in school has also appeared in the local newspaper.
In Wren Class this half term, our Topic is "3, 2, 1, blast off!" We have been enjoying learning all about Space. We have planned expeditions to distant planets, dispatched rockets and written notes on the experiments we have carried out in space... all from our International Space Station Roleplay Area.
Alongside this, we have also been working hard to build new friendships and an understanding of the rules within our classroom and the wider school. As part of our harvest celebrations, we made Apple Crumble Pies and vegetable stew.
A photo of our first day in school has also appeared in the local newspaper.