Bear & Bunny at Charlwood Village Primary School is an independent Pre-School that hires our facilities and holds sessions every day in our Dining Hall.
As Bear & Bunny at Charlwood Village Primary School is not a part of Charlwood Village Primary School it may not run on the same term time dates. There is no admission link between the pre-school and the school and therefore does not guarantee a place in our Early Years class. Please see the attached information below, and scan the QR code or follow the email to find out more.
As Bear & Bunny at Charlwood Village Primary School is not a part of Charlwood Village Primary School it may not run on the same term time dates. There is no admission link between the pre-school and the school and therefore does not guarantee a place in our Early Years class. Please see the attached information below, and scan the QR code or follow the email to find out more.