Our intent and ambition for our curriculum is that it is designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. Our curriculum enables learners to have the opportunity to make progress and go beyond age related expectations in reading, writing and maths by the end of Key Stage 2.
As a Local Authority Maintained Community School our aim is for pupils fulfil our school vision and become Confident, Valued, Prepared and Successful. We aim to nurture learners to develop their independence and resilience. Growth Mindset is embedded throughout to develop character.
Our curriculum provides opportunities for learners to go beyond reading, writing and maths and develop into curious and inquisitive learners, to engender a love of learning. We ensure our learners are stretched and challenged to fulfil their potential.
Our pedagogy is underpinned by an enquiry led approach where subjects are linked together through topics and broader themes. Knowledge and skills are developed to apply to real life experiences. Teaching is centred around prior knowledge and any questions learners may have. At Charlwood Village Primary School we recognise the importance of enabling our high level of learners with additional needs to access the National Curriculum.
As a very small rural school, we recognise the importance of providing character building opportunities to prepare learners for further education. We do this through:
As a Local Authority Maintained Community School our aim is for pupils fulfil our school vision and become Confident, Valued, Prepared and Successful. We aim to nurture learners to develop their independence and resilience. Growth Mindset is embedded throughout to develop character.
Our curriculum provides opportunities for learners to go beyond reading, writing and maths and develop into curious and inquisitive learners, to engender a love of learning. We ensure our learners are stretched and challenged to fulfil their potential.
Our pedagogy is underpinned by an enquiry led approach where subjects are linked together through topics and broader themes. Knowledge and skills are developed to apply to real life experiences. Teaching is centred around prior knowledge and any questions learners may have. At Charlwood Village Primary School we recognise the importance of enabling our high level of learners with additional needs to access the National Curriculum.
As a very small rural school, we recognise the importance of providing character building opportunities to prepare learners for further education. We do this through:
- Sports competitions
- Physical activity opportunities
- Residential trips
- Academic competitions
- Extensive pupil leadership opportunities
- Pupil Recognition assemblies
- Big Think Time assemblies
- Creative arts opportunities

Whole School Topic Overview 2022 to 2024.doc |