Early Years
Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years at Charlwood Village Primary School prepares the children for the wider world through consistent modelling of good behaviour strategies and language, enabling children to relate to both their peers and adults in a positive way, and helping children develop vital life-skills, such as safety, kindness and considerate behaviour.
Day to day, the children learn by working and playing in a free-flow environment in which they have constant access to a wide variety of resources, including computers, role-play, creative and outside areas. By fostering independence and encouraging initiative at all times, the children learn through self-initiation and play in a safe, friendly and stimulating environment.
All teaching and learning is centred around the government non-statutory document, Development Matters, and children work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals in the Prime and Specific Areas. Teachers work closely with the children to ascertain and follow their interests, and so adapt the curriculum and learning to their specific needs. Short teaching inputs, group work, and one-to-one reading help ensure that the children are challenged and that the pace of learning is maintained. Learning is very much centred around talk, enabling adults to deepen children’s learning and develop language skills.
Learning experiences are also created around children’s interests and we use key texts to excite and engage the children in their learning. Here are some examples of the learning experiences planned for this year, however these may be altered and adapted based on the needs and interests of the learners or new learning.
Autumn 1 ~ 3,2,1 Blast Off! (space)
Autumn 2 - Let's All Celebrate! (birthdays, fireworks, harvest, Christmas)
Spring 1 - Traditional Tales
Spring 2 - Under Our Noses (the local area)
Summer 1 - Bugs Galore
Summer 2 - Water
Please follow these helpful links to find out more about the Early Years Foundation Stage.
What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed.pdf (
Tapestry is an online learning journal that we use to share your child’s learning journey whilst they are in Early Years. We add observations and photographs of your child, giving you a window into their learning in school and ask that you also add your own comments, as well as your own observations, to share what your child has been doing at home with us! As the year progresses there will be less observations than at the beginning of the year, when we are getting to know your child.
When your child starts school in September, you will have the opportunity to sign up to Tapestry so you can access your child’s online learning journal. You will need to provide the school with an email address in order to do this. Once you have done this and been registered by the school you can access this via this link:
Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years at Charlwood Village Primary School prepares the children for the wider world through consistent modelling of good behaviour strategies and language, enabling children to relate to both their peers and adults in a positive way, and helping children develop vital life-skills, such as safety, kindness and considerate behaviour.
Day to day, the children learn by working and playing in a free-flow environment in which they have constant access to a wide variety of resources, including computers, role-play, creative and outside areas. By fostering independence and encouraging initiative at all times, the children learn through self-initiation and play in a safe, friendly and stimulating environment.
All teaching and learning is centred around the government non-statutory document, Development Matters, and children work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals in the Prime and Specific Areas. Teachers work closely with the children to ascertain and follow their interests, and so adapt the curriculum and learning to their specific needs. Short teaching inputs, group work, and one-to-one reading help ensure that the children are challenged and that the pace of learning is maintained. Learning is very much centred around talk, enabling adults to deepen children’s learning and develop language skills.
Learning experiences are also created around children’s interests and we use key texts to excite and engage the children in their learning. Here are some examples of the learning experiences planned for this year, however these may be altered and adapted based on the needs and interests of the learners or new learning.
Autumn 1 ~ 3,2,1 Blast Off! (space)
Autumn 2 - Let's All Celebrate! (birthdays, fireworks, harvest, Christmas)
Spring 1 - Traditional Tales
Spring 2 - Under Our Noses (the local area)
Summer 1 - Bugs Galore
Summer 2 - Water
Please follow these helpful links to find out more about the Early Years Foundation Stage.
What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed.pdf (
Tapestry is an online learning journal that we use to share your child’s learning journey whilst they are in Early Years. We add observations and photographs of your child, giving you a window into their learning in school and ask that you also add your own comments, as well as your own observations, to share what your child has been doing at home with us! As the year progresses there will be less observations than at the beginning of the year, when we are getting to know your child.
When your child starts school in September, you will have the opportunity to sign up to Tapestry so you can access your child’s online learning journal. You will need to provide the school with an email address in order to do this. Once you have done this and been registered by the school you can access this via this link:

Early Learning Goals.pdf |