In Red Kite Class, our homework routine for new homework given out and checked is as follows:
Pupils are expected to read at least 20 minutes every night and at least 30 minutes at weekends.
Spelling homework (between 10 and 12 spellings) is given out each Friday in preparation for tests one week later.
Times tables are set via 'Times Table Rockstars' and pupils are tested weekly on a Friday morning.
Maths homework - this is set on a Friday and pupils have one week to submit. This will usually focus on the learning that week in order to embed and stretch learning.
Humanities homework - homework menu for this given at the start of the half term. Pupils to submit upon returning from half-term break.
As our Year 5 and 6 pupils are increasingly independent, they should organise their homework themselves. To assist with this, please ensure that you check and sign your child's homework diary at least once a week.
If there are any changes or adaptations to our homework schedule, pupils will be informed and will make a note of this in their homework diaries.
Pupils are expected to read at least 20 minutes every night and at least 30 minutes at weekends.
Spelling homework (between 10 and 12 spellings) is given out each Friday in preparation for tests one week later.
Times tables are set via 'Times Table Rockstars' and pupils are tested weekly on a Friday morning.
Maths homework - this is set on a Friday and pupils have one week to submit. This will usually focus on the learning that week in order to embed and stretch learning.
Humanities homework - homework menu for this given at the start of the half term. Pupils to submit upon returning from half-term break.
As our Year 5 and 6 pupils are increasingly independent, they should organise their homework themselves. To assist with this, please ensure that you check and sign your child's homework diary at least once a week.
If there are any changes or adaptations to our homework schedule, pupils will be informed and will make a note of this in their homework diaries.